I will soon publish my MA thesis on this website. In the meantime, here is the title and the abstract:
Title Doctrines and Practices of the Burhaniya Sufi Order in the Arab World and in the West Between 1938 and 2012: A Decolonial and Transdisciplinary Analysis from an Insider Perspective Abstract This thesis presents a decolonial and transdisciplinary examination of the doctrines and practices of the transnational Burhaniya Sufi order, in the Arab World and in the West. The main time period under consideration is from the foundation of the order in 1938 until 2012. In order to contextualize the particularities of this modern order’s emergence, this thesis begins by presenting its historical roots related to the history of Sufism in North Africa and West Asia. Then, the thesis offers a comparative analysis of certain national contexts in which the order was disseminated, from Sudan to Egypt, France, Germany, the United States, and Canada. The author concludes from his findings that the sheikhs of the Burhaniya have facilitated the expansion of their order in the West, and perpetuated a fairly traditional Sufi heritage in the modern world. They have done so by combining strong commitment to core doctrines and adaptability to contexts of practice.
Encore un bon article du Diplo :
« Un nouveau drame de l’immigration », déclarent les présentateurs de télévision d’un air contrit : jeudi 3 octobre, le naufrage, au large de l’île italienne de Lampedusa, d’une embarcation partie de Libye et qui transportait de quatre cent cinquante à cinq cents migrants s’est soldé par la mort d’au moins trois cents personnes. Dans l’exposition d’esquisses cartographiques « Cartes en colère », Philippe Rekacewicz revenait, à partir de plusieurs figures, sur la « véritable stratégie de guerre » mise en œuvre par l’Europe pour contenir « l’envahisseur ». Extrait :Mourir aux portes de l’Europe ![]() Grosfoguel, who teaches in the department of Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley, gives a decolonial description of fundamentalism which should give food for thought for all those Westerners who would like to save minority citizens from themselves, particularly Muslims, by banning headscarves and other such measures. Here is the quote from Grosfoguel (2010): If we define fundamentalism as those perspectives that assume their own cosmology and epistemology to be superior and as the only source of truth, inferiorizing and denying equality to other epistemologies and cosmologies, then Eurocentrism is not merely a form of fundamentalism but the hegemonic fundamentalism in the world today. Those Third Worldist fundamentalisms (Afrocentric, Islamist, Indigenist, etc.) that emerge in response to the hegemonic Eurocentric fundamentalism and that the ‘Western’ press put in the front pages of newspapers every day are subordinated forms of Eurocentric fundamentalism insofar as they reproduce and leave intact the binary, essentialist, racial hierarchies of Eurocentric fundamentalism. |
AuthorTransdisciplinary scholar of Islam and Sufism. Archives
January 2025