They keep coming with their dry mouths and broken shoes From the cold mountain tops They storm the walls of Ceuta and all over the world They cross deserts, drown in the seas, walk along highways, hide in steel boxes They come from the jungles, the mountains, the fields Filling the slums of Cairo, Port-au-Prince and all the cities with flashy dreams Of soft feet and proper teeth And leftovers, lots of leftovers They won't stop coming while we dig our pools Choose good schools Choose a movie Choose a skirt Choose a cruise Choose a dessert They sweat and spit They don't have running water They want our stuff They just keep coming Turn on the light Check the closet Look under the bed Build more jails Higher walls Shoot to kill They just keep coming
The guy standing behind the garbage bins
So intoxicated he has wet himself And can hardly move Was he ever like my baby boy Simple full of joy? The pain Allah The pain Casablanca the winter is over and I’m still here
After three quarters of a year You handle so many contradictions with style I must admit You’re not bad looking From the right angles Even beautiful But you don’t hide your ugly sides well I guess you can’t Busy trying to cope with your own impatient cadence And the constant arrival of people Rich and poor Mostly poor Hoping for more Biting smiling selling screaming Casablanca I’m caught in your hectic dance Like any immigrant I’m ambivalent Good days and bad Today for a moment I broke out of you to notice the ocean As I often have over the months Still there So much bigger deeper longer in its breaths It could just take over and bust the whole place up And sometimes it does strike a few blows But mostly it respects the tiny shoreline boundary Accepting To remain a reminder for us Of other cycles Other scales of being Anyway, Casablanca, I’m still here Now watching your children clean beach chairs Preparing for the summer I haven’t taken you all in You escape my rational mind traps Too slow for you I have no choice but to return to poetry To know you I’ve got to tell you I see a lot of violence Barbarians everywhere At least it seems to me that’s how you treat them They are hungry Casablanca And speak the languages of your ancestors Your own deep thoughts use the same North African tongues No matter how much French you use And how many monuments you keep to praise the invaders your forefathers kicked out Just a few decades ago You are so colonial—it really upsets me—I don’t know whether to scream or cry But who am I? After all when my life broke down in Canada You welcomed me a refugee and have treated me hospitably ever since I came to you like so many others with ambitions and aspirations I must really try to be helpful Because you, Casablanca, and cities like you Probably hold the future of humanity within your ever-expanding bosoms Here is where we make it or break it All or nothing Casablanca you are exciting I think I’ll stay a while Inshallah Morocco you're killing me with springtime colours Like foam overflowing from a milky coffee Sweet The flowers abundant over the walls of buildings all around the Casablanca café And people bursting into a variety of styles Then on the train to El Jadida all across the fields Ya Allah! The fields In memory of the beloved we drank a wine; we were drunk with it before creation of the vine.2/8/2014 In memory of the beloved (from The Wine Ode (al-Khamriyah)) English version by Th. Emil Homerin The biggest bullies rarely scream
They don’t need to remind you of their power Because they know And you know And they know you know That they can take you out without using any muscle Without pounding their chest Without raising their voice Others do their business for them They don’t even need to ask It would bother their conscience It’s just understood What happens to those who get in their way The biggest bullies are often gentlemen In soft clothes With soft voices Humble smiles And deadly power There is no pleasure in life except accompanying the [fuqara] for they are the sultans and the masters and the princes [umara] La vie n’est agréable qu’en compagnie des soufis Ils sont les seigneurs, les princes et les sultans مــا لــذة الـعـيش إلا صـحبة الـفـقرا هــم الـسـلاطين و الـسـادات والأمـرا Poem in Arabic and English translation: Traduction française : Abu Madyan Bio in English: Casablanca : ville intense, mouvementée, magnifique. Casablanca : ville à deux vitesses. Casablanca : une masse arabophone et berbérophone, le regard tourné vers la Mecque, dominée par une élite francophile, le regard tourné vers Paris. Casablanca : la mer, la plage, les boulevards, les places et les parcs, les cafés, les klaxons, les mosquées… I have built a place for you
Where the inside of your shoe Is softer than the thick and multicoloured moss We find upon fierce northern rocks Softer than a pygmy lullaby A place With doors of living wood Trees that sway away As you enter And shut themselves behind you The leaves that ornament these trees Are full of poetry Green words written in gold By delirious princes Lost in love Warrior words Recreating distant homes Worried words of mothers Words of friendship Written in the deep dark ink of trust Promises made and signed in blood Upon thick parchment Sleeping words awoken for you Shepherd words about their camel herds Wise words by men who live in isolation Sailor words about the ocean Exotic flower words Words that describe the flight of birds Words of pain Glass words Last words Vast words of regret about great loves that could have been Tombstone words Words written on the morning of the birth Of the first child Of a new generation Of a noble family Words written to be free of tyranny Words for you Written by me Collected in the leaves of giant trees That sacrifice their bodies Just to please you As a doorway to this precious place And when the wind blows hard outside The voices of great poets rise Inside the leaves Perfect polyphony I have built for you A kitchen lit with the bright hopes of youth Beneath three Russian chandeliers A living feast appears in the dining room The table is of ancient marble The food always renewed Endless degrees of taste spring from the plates Explosions of first love upon the tongue Sushi subtlety Culinary architecture The taste of adventure Mouthfuls of meat Potatoes meant to make you feel at home The maturity of cheese Recipes Rediscovered on the dusty shelves of libraries In prestigious universities Strong bursts of lemon Seafood fantasies Elegant pastries Candy store variety Every single type of tea Blue Mountain coffee Subtle flavour blends Perfected through conservative lineages Of Moroccan mothers Identity Can be lost or found at this table It is always here for you In this place I have built for you On winter evenings there are cozy living rooms With carpets so thick you could lie down and sleep Carpets woven by nights of mine Great nights that lived and died to soften your time Long logs of loyalty burn in the fireplace Spreading deep orange across your face Solo piano on the stereo Wild beasts lie obediently Rest your head against warm fur The depth of lion breath The slow rising and falling of his chest Loosens every muscle in you Now you can relax and laugh If your little arm is tickled By his mighty tongue For you a green lawn on summer mornings To sit for hours with me Orange juice and coffee Lazy newspaper stories Of a strange and distant world of hurt Far far away from this garden Where the stream laughs like a schoolyard The pond welcomes giant swans And mountains stand guard on the horizon Keeping our enemies out The smell of ocean is ever-present Its breath like a drumbeat through the days Afternoons when horsemen compete for your amusement African dancers capture you Between two pages of this poem You are torn from tranquility Stampeding through some dusty plain Fire on your face Laughing loudly Plunging through a mirror framed in Timbuktu Emerging refreshed from the pond The swans annoyed at your intrusion You drip across the lawn And find me swinging my pen like a sword By the patio door Memories invade you on the beach at sunset Ocean tips at my feet I stand with my hands in my pockets and my pants rolled up My face red with sun Singing some nostalgic Spanish melody While you weep at the passing of the day I have built for you a place where people always pray Evenings are filled with the memory of God Friends visit We drink sweet tea And live in poetry Hallways speak of past adventures Pictures and artefacts I have built a place where your clothes always fit right Magnificent Comfortable Pearls of wisdom grow from your evening gown Traces of gold surround your eyes A veil of moonlight covers your hair Upon each finger is a jewel for every type of little joy You are different and more beautiful Every time you cross a mirror In a house of poetry All things explode from oneness into lush diversity On some days you find yourself in a simple wood cabin With the smell of leather and pine and total food in a heavy black pot I chop wood for the stove Outside Through the window of wide eyes White snow shines for miles On the table by a can of coffee cream My pen sleeps on a napkin You wake it up To find new poetry in its sheets For you a place with a sleepy cat stretching on the kitchen floor Instant coffee and sliced bread in the toaster Crumbs in the butter if you need reality For you a place that is lonely without you Rooms that are dark without you Ghosts everywhere Nobody likes an empty house For you I’ve built a place that needs your beauty strength and grace A place where you are noticed Every day admired A place inspired By you A place of poetry A place of possibility A place between a dream and full reality Jason Sparkes © 2003 Words about the endurance of your support cannot meet you
Words like birds flutter around a sturdy tower Your cause has never held my consequence You have never held me back Oakwood cherry wood brass and marble Leather seats of warm love comfort me Reinforce and let me be As a boy I never saw you cry I never sensed your question marks And now that as a man I can intuit them My gratitude and admiration Grow deeper roots Bear sweeter fruit We didn’t meet We didn’t need to I have always been in you And in me parts of you shine through Our distance is nearer Our proximity clearer And the bond of love remains unshaken God bless the years you have forsaken In silent worries over me God bless you and awaken Endless thanks in me Jason Sparkes © 2002 |
AuthorTransdisciplinary scholar of Islam and Sufism. Archives
March 2023